SOC131: How Do We Do It (Behind The Scenes)


For our last show of our first academic year, we’re giving you a behind the scenes look into The Social Breakdown. We talk about the podcast’s origins, our recording and editing set up, how we prepare for each episode, and most importantly, what are our styles and approaches to impression management? Is there a difference between our front stage and back stage “self” when we are hosting!? (Spoiler alert: OF COURSE THERE IS!)

Two quick notes before we go for summer break: 1) THANK YOU for all the amazing support, emails, and listening. We’re touched and honored and happy and… the list goes on. 2) We are on summer break until August, but will be releasing random episodes every now and then. Also, you can always reach us on FB, Twitter, and through our website ( So, don’t be shy! And have a fantastic summer!


summer, public sociology, podcast


  1. Read Books
  2. Ask Questions
  3. Keep Writing
  4. Keep Thinking
  5. Talk to us
  6. Be free, have fun, be safe


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